Dottie’s 1st Birthday

As you guys know, I've been trying to make changes in our household in terms of being more sustainable. One thing I have noticed is how much single use plastics there are at birthday parties and other events. Those amazing balloon garlands-where does that all end up once the party is finished? The plastic plates, [...]

Dottie’s Birth

Dottie’s Birth

I feel I should start this post by giving you a quick recap of Eadie's birth, so that you can understand the difference between the two experiences I had. On Thursday morning at 3am-3 days overdue I went into labour naturally at home. My contractions were quite close together, but as the morning went on [...]

The Not So Joyful Parts Of Pregnancy

The Not So Joyful Parts Of Pregnancy

It wasn't until the other day, as I was sitting there aching, tired, moody and teary that I started thinking about all of those little things us women deal with through pregnancy that we either don't speak about because its waaay TMI for others, or because it's just a normal thing for you to be feeling because well, you're pregnant...